Some of the feature of these homebrew PSP games is that it emulates other gaming console so that you will be able to play wide variety of games from platforms such as Nintendo, Supernintendo, Megadrive, NeoGeo and much more. This makes the PSP a very powerful gaming console not to mention that these homebrew PSP games are available all over the internet.
I would always recommend memory stick of at least 1GB, but if you do not have the sufficient resources a 256MB Memory stick should be alright. What you will need is sufficient PSP memory stick. For a brand new memory stick you will need to format it. The other thing that you will require when installing a game to your memory card is your PSP Firmware version 1.5 or less. Later firmware version will not work.
If you do have a later version of PSP, please consider downgrading you PSP. In simple terms its this; you will download your games from the internet into you PC and then transfer your game files to your PSP via a USB cable. When your computer is connected to your PSP, your PC will recognize your PSP as a detachable memory. It will assign a drive and you will be able to drag and drop you PSP games file to your memory stick.
Some of the step to download PSP games
First, you must copy your PSP games file to the correct path or the games simply will not work. The correct path is PSP>GAME. After the PSP games are fully transferred to your memory stick, disconnect the PSP from your PC. In your PSP main menu, scroll to GAME and then select Memory Stick option. Press X, and list of available games in your memory stick will be displayed.
If you find any error on your PSP, you might want to check your firmware version. This is a simple guide on how to download PSP games from your computer and it is a proven techniques and been done countless of times. Most important of all it allows you to enjoy wide variety of games from other gaming console.
With your PSP Blender Membership you receive instant access to millions of files ready to be transferred to your PSP. This includes but is not limited to movies, television shows, video games, music, and PSP software.
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