Photo: egame
Action games are based off of some of the oldest of the genre. They follow the steps of Donkey Kong to make a linear level with enemies, traps, and puzzles standing in your path. Well, they’ll actually be moving, hiding, or hunting you. You just have to keep some basic tips in mind to kill the monsters and save the princess.
Plan out your moves carefully and try to avoid fights when possible. Only attack when you can do so safely. Enemies in action games almost always have some weakness that you can exploit. Try to get below them, above them, behind them, etc. to get in a good position for the quick kill. You must also remember that retreat is an option. If you’re in a bad spot, run away until you can get into a better position.
Second, you don’t have to kill everything. It can be easy for you to forget, but you don’t have to kill all of the enemies. A lot of action games just need you to get to the end of the level. It may be tempting to take out every little monster that gets in your way, but the points don’t always justify the risks. Focus on finishing the level and only kill monsters when it doesn’t risk a life.
Photo: Storm Basiat
Third, keep moving. Action games are meant to be full of action. You don’t need to sit around and wait for an enemy for 5 minutes. Be careful, but seek them out when possible. Time bonuses are worth a lot of points, and losing a level because you ran out of time is a pretty rough experience. Don’t be too much of a perfectionist. Just keep moving towards your goal and work out the problems on the way.
Fourth, don’t forget the bonuses, but don’t overvalue them. It may seem simple, but don’t overvalue the flashing bonus sign. That jewel for 10,000 points might be nice, but don’t kill yourself trying to get it. It is a bonus. It isn’t worth losing the game. This is particularly true for extra lives. Don’t waste two lives to get one back. If you go for an extra life and die, don’t waste another life trying to get the one you lost back. You’ll just end up in a pointless loop. It’s just a quick way to get a game over.
Last but not least, watch your fingers. If you are using keyboard controls, then you are going to want to keep an eye on your hands. In the heat of the moment, you might lose track of your position and accidentally hit the wrong key. Flash games aren’t forgiving either. You hit “jump” instead of “attack” and you’re probably dead. Don’t get obsessed with it, but do keep in mind that your character might be acting weird because you aren’t lined up properly.
Photo: irrezolut
These tips are basic, but they should help greatly in your efforts to conquer the fantasy worlds of these online games. Just keep them in mind and have fun!
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