Photo: Pixelation Nation
The Sims Online has now become EA Land, and with the change of name have come a number of alterations to the basic structure of the game, which are drawing in new players by the droves. Free play; custom content; ownable stores; Paypal-enabled exchange of Simoleons for actual money; the list goes on, and the game gets better every week. Here's a review of some of the changes, and how you can use them to earn money:
Free to Play
Not much explanation necessary here. The 14-day trial of old has now been extended to permanent free play, with a few limitations. One of the most noteworthy of these is that free players will only be able to cash-out more money than they cashed in; in other words, they can't actually make any money from the game until they are subscribers. The only way to earn money in-game is to team up with a full subscriber, and get them to pay you. Your free play account is easily upgradeable to full member, so once you're earning more cash in-game than the $9.99 a month it costs to subscribe, it's time to upgrade.
Custom Content
At last! The Sims Online has allowed users to create custom content. Apart from adding variety and interest, this is a great way for players to earn money in the game, and real life. To create custom content you can either modify an existing Sims object, start completely from scratch, or use a photograph or existing image as a basis for your new Sims object. There are plenty of tutorials available to show you how to get started, and you'll be surprised how easy it is to do once you've had a little practice.
Photo: Katie O'Connor
Player to Player Commerce
With the advent of custom content, players are now able to sell items that they've made to other players. This system has already worked extremely well in Second Life, and now that it's come to the online version of the best selling game ever, a colossal marketplace is set to develop. While the creation of these custom products might be easy for those of us who are used to the internet and basic graphic programs, for a lot of people these are difficult technology, and they are exactly the sort of people who play the Sims, and nothing else. If you can edit images then you can build content, and there is a business opportunity for you in the Sims Online world -- just remember not to forget it's about fun.
Cashing-in and cashing-out are EA speak for turning your dollars into Simoleons (cashing in) and converting them (plus more) back to dollars (cashing out). Both transactions will be performed through Paypal, so your money should be safe. This means that EA Land is now a place where you can earn money without even leaving your house.
There are a few sites around still offering (legal) cheats for the Sims Online, including bots who continually work to earn you money. Check out the link below for details.
At last, it seems, EA have finally implemented the changes that players have been crying out for since the Sims Online first hit our screens, pushing it out of mediocrity and into the big-money realms of games such as Second Life and WOW. Considering that Sims 1 and 2 are the top-selling games of all time, attracting millions of players who otherwise wouldn't even touch a computer, the Sims Online could well be set to herald in a new era of online gaming. Keep watching.
Awh, that was one of the houses I built in-game! Crazy to think about how many years have passed. Alas, The Sims Online has been rebooted and can be found at for free :)
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