Starcraft 2 - Continuing a Great Legacy
By Joel Owens
Producers and game developers struggle to make the next most addictive, mind-blowing and life-changing entertainment software the gaming community has ever seen. But with many titles and genres out there, not counting the independently created software, every new game appears to have been either a minor improvement or a cheap imitation of an already existing game. Most sequels are seen as futile attempts to bring popularity to franchise long-forgotten by gaming fans and enthusiasts. But this is where Starcraft 2 stands above the rest. The sequel to what, in fact, shaped and pioneered the real-time strategy gaming scenario and mechanics in computer gaming has met with nothing but anticipation, awe and gratitude.
With Blizzard games holy three: Diablo, Warcraft and Starcraft, the latter offers the best strategy game to PC users, utilizing real-time tactics and techniques in this military-inspired video game. Of course, riding on the success of another game is one thing, but this sequel tremendously builds on the success of its predecessor while retaining the components that have both annoyed and endeared video game players around the world.
Still with three clans or factions to choose from, each with their own strengths and weakness, no one group innately more powerful than any other group, yet each group possessing characteristics specific to their race. The game is very balanced, allowing for recognition not only of the clan chosen but also of the individual units belonging to the clan. Starcraft 2 is not only a sequel, it is a trilogy. It would consist of a single game, with two expansion packs. Each campaign builds up on the story of the original Starcraft, but from different perspectives. Also, each part involves a different style of game play. One campaign involves role-playing elements, while another campaign involves mercenary tactics. Still, another segment requires the appeal of the protagonist to democracy.
The in-game cinematics have been dramatically improved to enhance the gaming experience, providing a sense of continuity and fluidity between the storyline and the game play. Portrait animations of the units have been revamped, giving a more interactive feel to the game. The usual briefing area has been redecorated to appear interactive, with a haggard-looking Raynor, a character in the previous Starcraft, now as captain of the battlecruiser Hyperion.
In fact, although the story of the game is linear, the steps taken to finish the game are not. It has been designed to be totally non-linear, giving the player the chance to explore and choose what mission to play first, with each of the missions having its own consequences and happenings.
Without even being released, loyal and new fans join each other in eager waiting for Starcraft 2. The game was wholly designed and improved with the players in mind, keeping intact the elements that have made the game a legend in the realm of real-time strategy playing and at the same time, improving on the many aspects that drive a game to its highest potential, using technology and experience not present to the developers, artists and programmers when the game was released in 1995.
A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.
For more information and queries, you may visit Starcraft 2
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